Reiki Therapy

What is a Reiki Session?

You are fully dressed on the massage table. Either soft music, or no music with essential oils diffusing.
You begin lying on the back and hands are placed above or gently touching you if you approve.
The session starts at the head, eyes, ears, neck, thymus.... placing the hands over the organs and appendages slowly with intention/ prayer on my clients healing. Once the front of the body is complete you will roll over to work on the back of the body doing the same, hands on the shoulders, lung area, kidneys, adrenals.... The session is very relaxing, with the purpose of releasing blocked energies. (See emotional healing page for more information)

As a remote session: facilitation will be done similar to above however you will remain where you are. You do not need to be present and may or may not ask for a live zoom or allow me to facilitate with your permission at any time.

For my Christian Clients
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What I have learned about Reiki and why I choose to practice.
Reiki is a practice of laying on of hands and prayer. It was in the 1800s when a Japanese monk named Mikao Usui re discovered this lost art and called it Reiki. The re-naming took place after one of Dr. Usui's students asked how Jesus facilitated healing miracles. Dr. Usui determined to learn the secret to healing so he could help others. Dr Usui decided to travel to the Holy Mountains to fast and pray/meditate and on the 21st day he received the revelation of how Jesus healed and from that day he went into the slums and beggar cities and treated many illnesses. Dr. Usui then began to teach others the lost art of healing through laying on of hands.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words. Rei means God's wisdom or the higher power, and Ki means life force energy which many also call God.

There are 21 scripture references to laying on of hands and was used in the bible to not only heal the sick but to impart gifts. It is a great study to delve into.
Mark 16:18 says Lay hands on the sick and they WILL recover.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 says That which hath is that which will be and that which hath been done is that which will be done. THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN
Reiki is not a "New" Age practice it is old age being re learned. The spiritual practice of laying on of hands and prayer which some also call intention.