Emotional Release Therapy

Emotional Release Therapy

It has been said that when there is a conflict between reason and feeling, human beings will always side with feeling.

According to Gary Young, “99% of life’s decisions are made from feelings.” Therefore, if you want your life to be guided by good decisions that lead to health, happiness, and fulfillment, you need to be aware of and in control of your present feelings and to learn how to release the repressed emotions of the past.

Most of our feelings from day to day are not responses to current happenings. They originate from the programming in cellular memory that was imprinted by the emotional experiences of our past that we were unable to understand, process, and resolve at the time.

These forgotten traumatic experiences function as live programming in our bodies, affecting every aspect of our lives and particularly in the area of how we make decisions. When our thoughts are limited by fears, lack of self-worth, and not feeling good enough for more or better, we make decisions that limit our success. Limited thinking leads to limited decisions that lead to a limited life far short of the God-given potential we actually possess.

Because Energy flows within and around the human body. This energy moves through a number of systems and includes bio-energy, meridians, and your Biofield .

By focusing on adjusting your feelings, and blocks you can fix most aspects of your life–physical, mental, and spiritual.

In this session, you will be relieved of energy blockages and imbalances that are underlying causes of emotional issues, restoring balance and well-being.