Raindrop Technique Therapy

The Raindrop Technique is a one-of-a-kind service combining techniques and essential oils applied to the feet, spine and back, followed up with a hot towel that will take you into an even more peaceful restful experience. This technique is designed to provide you with an experience that will not only relax your body and mind but also bring your body systems and organs back into proper order and function, clearing blockages and build up in the cells and nervous system to enhance your body's ability to heal.

Raindrop Technique Explained Further
From serving clients with high trauma able to calm and clear their minds, leaving thinking much clearer with a higher level of peace to make better decisions to people with back problems avoiding surgery, being able to cater to client's individual needs has been vital. There is no one size fits all. Each client receives what they need each individual session. Repeat clients always say each session this is the best one yet and they are all amazing!  
The Raindrop technique addresses the body, mind and emotions, while addressing every organ and body system, cleansing every cell and assisting in restoring proper cellular communication to bring your body to a place of rest so your body can begin to heal itself. During your one-hour service your mind and body will be set at ease and able to relax.

When Raindrop Technique is performed correctly, application of 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils result in restoring harmony and balance and improved emotional wellness ..

Vita Flex
Vita Flex technique is a slight pressure applied to the body to create an electric charge that is therapeutic to the body. This is known as piezoelectric, which means pressure induced electricity. The pressure comes from the fingers. A rolling motion of the finger pads, tips and nails, creates the stimulation similar to how an electric switch or circuit works. The technique is applied to the various reflex points of the body.

How will a Raindrop Session work for me?
​Each session will vary widely among clients according to their needs going into the session and their willingness to release what ails them at that time. Not all problems can be solved in a single session. A state of ill health is usually the result of many years of accumulation of toxins and traumas- physical, mental and spiritual. Each Raindrop session can potentially correct something but to completely return to a state of perfect health it may take a series of sessions over time, plus lifestyle changes in terms of diet, exercise, habits, beliefs and environment. Raindrop Technique cannot lead to permanent healing unless permanent changes are made by the client to eliminate the factors that lead to the ill conditions in the first place. what Raindrop Technique does , is help to cleanse one of the consequences of past negative activities and affords one the opportunity to start a fresh and get it right in the present and into the future.

90% and more physical issues have the root of an emotional/spiritual issue and triggers a "symptom" Raindrop Technique facilitates the release of stored emotions. The oils also go directly to muscles, tissues and organs throughout the body where emotion can be stored in cellular memory. Essential oil can penetrate cellular membranes and release these forgotten emotions which then gives you the opportunity to accept and release the memories.

Benefits are not always seen immediately. Adjustments can continue throughout the week following. Some clients experience dramatic results immediately while others benefit upon receiving Raindrop sessions over a period of time. Completion of benefits results according to the client's mind, body and emotions. Some benefits are subtle and may not appear evident right away.

For more information on the validation of Raindrop Technique you can research the book A Statistical Validation of Raindrop Technique by Dr. David Stewart.

Young Living Essential Oils (original Gary Young protocol only) used and systems they address:

There are no limits to what Raindrop Technique can do for you!  What does your body, soul, and Spirit need?  Each session can be taylored for that specific day and need.  The outcome will be exactly what you need at that time, even if you did not receive what you wanted, you will receive exactly what you need. 

*Intuitive Raindrop Session- This is a session where I pray and ask God what you need, what oils, what do you need most out of this particular session.

*Lymphatic Cleansing and Circulation- Specific oils are used to support, cleanse and move your lymphatic system, to remove waste, toxins, bacteria, and unfavorable mutated cells from the body, removes blockages and enhances the immune system to fight of dis ease causing invaders.

*Endocrine System (Chakra Balance and Cleanse) this system balances your nervous system, removes and cleanses blockages of damaged emotions, (upsets like loss, accidents, conflict, fear, anxiety, stress....)  it provides energy to the metabolic, glandular, immune, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive and Musco skeletal system.

* Organ and Cellular Cleansing and Enhancing organ function, these sessions we will use essential oils designed specifically for the organs and body systems you want to support. 

Raindrop Session can support physical and psychological symptoms and imbalance, helping you to relax, relieve stress and bring your body back to rest and digest where the body heals itself. 

As a distance healing session, I will follow my intuition/inner guidance through prayer. And perform the techniques with the intentions of the oils to use and their properties holding them in my hand as I facilitate the session as though you are present physically.