Foot Detox Therapy

An ionic foot detox machine is a modern energy therapy device which balances the body’s natural energy system. By introducing a high level of negative ions into the water of a foot bath, the feet, utilizing principles of reflexology and the science of ionization and osmosis, create a positive cellular environment and enable the body’s natural detoxification processes to function at their peak. An ionic foot detox is the safest, most modern and effective natural healing therapy on the market today!

Symptoms or conditions which may improve from an ionic foot bath:

  • Joint Pain, Arthritis

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Foggy Brain, Poor Concentration

  • Sleeplessness

  • Poor Circulation

  • Heavy Metal Toxicity

  • Allergies

  • Eczema, Psoriasis

  • Parasites

  • Candida

  • Obesity

  • Hormonal Imbalance

  • Low Sex Drive

  • Weak Immune System

  • Cellular Acidosis (Ph is too high)

Why is it important to Detoxify?

The Human body has a unique capability to heal itself. When functioning properly, it can kill invading viruses and bacteria, destroy cancer cells and prevent virtually all disease. The problem faced today is more and more people are suffering from a wide range of illness. Today’s modern society has created what many health care practitioners refer to as an epidemic. We have created what we now call environmental illness. Environmental illness is perpetuated by current western medicine attempting to treat the symptom and not the underlying cause. Natural health care practitioners and physicians, who specialize in integrative medicine, recognize the need for detoxification. Although the human body was designed to handle a relatively large amount of toxins, our modern environment is contaminated to the point that most people need assistance to regain and maintain optimum health. This is where the detox foot spa comes in.

Whether you are in good health and just want to feel extraordinary, or if you are currently suffering from chronic problems or an undiagnosed illness, regular foot detox sessions can improve your overall health and wellbeing.

How Ionic Foot Spas Work

An ion foot spa operates on the principles of electrochemistry. Modern science is still learning just how the human body works on a cellular level but it is understood that cells react, generate energy, and function, all on an electrochemical level. The Ion Balance foot spa produces positive and negative ions in the foot bath water. For decades scientists have studied the positive benefits of increasing the amount of negative ions in a living organism’s environment. Studies have shown that increasing negative ions produces stronger growth in plants, reduces negative symptoms in humans and leaves people with an overall increased sense of wellbeing.

Our toxic modern environment is generally deficient of beneficial negative ions (An ion is a charged particle that forms when an atom gains or loses an electron). Chemical pollution as well as EMF (electromagnetic frequency) pollution have been stripping our environment of positive energy. This greatly contributes to our bodies being out of balance. We can restore balance by increasing the amount of negative ions in our environment.