Remote Biofeedback Scan
What is Bioferdback?
We scan a person's energy REMOTE and it in person and generate a 25+ pages wellness report about the flow of energy in their vital body.
Before & After Analysis
Generate before and after scans in real-time and educate people scientifically about their energetic bodies. Perfect your modalities by researching your method in real-time. Long distance !!!
Custom Solfeggio Music
We will send powerfull custom solfeggio music for you as required!
Energy & Wellness Analysis
Scientists have proven before our physical bodies get sick, we first see disruptions of energy. We can quickly replenish energy in these areas before they manifest in the physical realm.
Emotional & Physiological Analysis
You will be able to tell how’s going on emotionally as well and clear trauma ! This is great to know if a personal is stuck in an emotional state!
Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Balance
You will be able to tell which organs are energetically under stress and out of coherence. We will send customized frequencies to balance you out to harmony. You will learn how to work with these energetic systems.
Chakra Reports
You will learn how to make sense of chakra movements and how to bring them in balance. Express assessment of chakra’s in a scientific way.
Meridian Energy Flow Reports
Detailed analysis of the flow of energy through the energy pathways. These are connected to the acupuncture points and you will learn how to draw conclusions.
All this and more with your Remote Biofeedback Scan !
Order today!
Body Remote Feedback Scan: Starting at $99
***Please note that ALL scans require access to FACEBOOK MESSENGER for the appointment. ***
Tired of trying to figure out what is going on with your health !?
Are you literally sick of being on the merry go round of missing work because of not feeling well and going to doctors , hospitals , and waiting rooms full of sick people ?
Quantum biofeedback technology allows you to peer into issues we don’t normally have easy access to.
Our biofeedback technology is one of the most innovative quantum biofeedback products in the world!
A Biofeedback Scan with Dr. Sharnael reveals these answers – in person or remote .
Across a spectrum of metrics, including organs , skeletal, immune system, heavy metal toxicity, emotions, infection, fungus, candida, viruses, environment toxins , food and chemical sensitivities, glands , hormones , eegs, neurotransmitters, main life stressers , bacteria, parasites, lyme, electronic pollution , psychic attack, past traumas and way more.
Pinpointing biological metrics outside of your optimal state gives you the wisdom to start turning back time, making different choices, and supporting your being into a better life.
What to expect -We do Before & After Analysis
1. We do diagnostics to see what’s going on .
2. We customize what frequencies are required to help harmonize & balance you mind, body and spirit .
3. We also do an after diagnostic to see how much your harmonized absorbed and cleared !
4. We send reports to you to look over and keep.
5. We go over the reports with you and suggest any homework you can incorporate in your lifestyle practice on your end to work with the frequencies we have sent you and to speed things up . ( I always suggest a consult the first time at least to understand how to read the reports and get your homework suggestions )
When we work together as a team things balance much quicker and frequencies hold faster get the results you are looking for !
Some of the reports and frequencies involved :
Energy & Wellness Analysis on a DNA Level -Scientists have proven before our physical bodies get sick, we first see disruptions of energy. We can quickly replenish energy in these areas before they manifest in the physical realm.
Emotional & Physiological Analysis on a DNA Level -You will be able to tell how’s going on emotionally as well and clear trauma from the DNA ! This is great to know if a person is stuck in an emotional state! Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Balance.You will be able to tell which organs are energetically under stress and out of coherence. We will send customized frequencies to balance you out to harmony . You will learn how to work with these energetic systems.
Custom Solfeggio Music We will send powerfull custom solfeggio music for your balance experience .
These above are just to name a few … there are over 25 reports involved
There are areas in your life besides health, including such things as financial abundance and relationships as well . You can use the frequencies from the genius in order to create more harmony in your life in any area you choose.
As you know from changing habits or working toward a goal, these endeavors often take repetition. It is similar with quantum biofeedback.
One can do A LOT and make great changes with JUST ONE SCAN !
And having a consultation it is a great way to see things from a naturopathic point of view .
I can advise ways you can implement homework and to apply these suggestions to your daily practice to help work with the energies best and anchor them in. Of course, depending on the situation running the frequencies more regularly creates a momentum.
This technology works through entraining these frequencies into your own energetic field. Entrainment is similar to the concept of absorbing nutrition.
You are embracing it and making it part of your field. Think of how repeating an affirmation or goal every day changes your life. It is similar with biofeedback.
In a world where quantum biofeedback devices were previously only available at price points of $15,000-20,000 you can get this support in a very cost effective way, and get back to your passion in life, family and purpose!
Remember, this can be done in person or long distance!!!
Our painless, cutting-edge technology communicates with your body as it performs an assessment of your health. Rather than guessing what will bring your body back into balance, bio-energetic testing pinpoints possible hidden stressors and harmonizes you back again ! I look forward to assisting you in your personal healing journey!
Book your appointment today and let’s start your wholeness path now !
****IMPORTANT*****I would STRONGLY suggest the biofeedback scan, report and consult min to start so we can go over the reports and i can show you how to read them!
*This is a Nonrefundable Purchase. Please use this Link to setup an appointment .You must have Facebook messenger for this scan.
AFTER YOU PURCHASE - Click Here For Dr. Sharnael's Facebook and Message Her
Incredibly revealing. Get yours now…with the extra help of the 30 minute consult.I got my scan…and wow. It’s amazing how it worked.My scan was very revealing. Also, for three days following the scan, my energy level was crazy high…I was painting, scrubbing baseboards, ultra productive!
This scan is good to get done so you have a baseline of where/what you need to be balanced for wholeness. Thank you, Dr. Sharnael!
Feeling out of sorts in your own home but can’t quite out your finger on what’s going on? Are you having trouble sleeping at night for no real reason?
Whether you are renting owning your own home /apartment or space we can help harmonize it AND the land on it !
This remote Biofeedback does wonders to help support harmony, peace, security, prosperity and joy again! We can detect entities from former owners, neighbors etc and clear this !
We can clear the imprint of the space inside and out . We can clear leylines curry lines, geopathic, and electronic stress! We can even identify and clear mycotoxins, hidden plumbing issues , asbestos, carbon dioxide, negative energy , Hartman crossing, and ventilation issues !
Don’t spend another night in a your loving space if it isn’t properly cleared.
Book your appointment today!
*This is a Nonrefundable Purchase. Please use this Link to setup an appointment . You must have Facebook messenger for this scan.
AFTER YOU PURCHASE - Click Here For Dr. Sharnael's Facebook and Message Her
Incredibly revealing. Get yours now…with the extra help of the 30 minute consult.I got my scan…and wow. It’s amazing how it worked.My scan was very revealing. Also, for three days following the scan, my energy level was crazy high…I was painting, scrubbing baseboards, ultra productive!
This scan is good to get done so you have a baseline of where/what you need to be balanced for wholeness. Thank you, Dr. Sharnael!
We loves our Fur babies! They are family to us ! They require the attention just as much as we do !
Remote Biofeedback works energetically and offers a window into your pets emotions, needs and desires. Many pet owners have found that biofeedback helped to identify the source of their discomfort and then we could help alleviate symptoms.
Remote Biofeedback Analysis for Pets detects stress responses from the presence of toxic materials, vitamin and mineral excess or deficiencies, bacteria, virus, parasites, pathogens, inherited disturbances, organ weakness, and environmental and emotional stressors and MORE!
In addition to the overall assessment, we recommend specific supplements if needed, as well as provide valuable information to help correct and prevent disease or illnesses in pets.
Book your Remote Biofeedback and find out what’s going on at the root issue and start the balancing process today!
*This is a Nonrefundable Purchase. Please use this Link to setup an appointment . You must have Facebook messenger for this scan.
AFTER YOU PURCHASE - Click Here For Dr. Sharnael's Facebook and Message Her
Incredibly revealing. Get yours now…with the extra help of the 30 minute consult.I got my scan…and wow. It’s amazing how it worked.My scan was very revealing. Also, for three days following the scan, my energy level was crazy high…I was painting, scrubbing baseboards, ultra productive!
This scan is good to get done so you have a baseline of where/what you need to be balanced for wholeness. Thank you, Dr. Sharnael!
More Ways to Work with
Your Path, My Path, Life’s Path…. Walking things out can be way easier with support , perspective, a few tweaks here and there….
A Soul Audit identifies energy blocks, creates a plan to dissolve them, and maps a path to higher frequencies.
In higher frequencies, your soul width expands and your chakras balance. As each chakra represents a dimension of life, your entire being will become more at ease and flowing in abundance.
What you can expect:
In Part One, I calculate your soul width, on which layer of the aura you live, where you are on the map of consciousness, the status of your chakras (blocked, balanced or hyperactive), and finally, the status of your feminine and masculine energies.
In Part Two, I find your abundance blocks and five trapped childhood emotions.
In Part Three, after the remote session, we go through a demonstration, showing you how to clear these blocks and achieve balance. We do this so you are equipped to support yourself and live your highest life.